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Bundestagswahlen Deutschland

**German Election Results: Close Race Between SPD and CDU**

**Final Results Show SPD with Slight Lead**

**Overview of the Bundestag Election Results**

The Bundeswahlleiterin (Federal Returning Officer) has released the final results of the German federal election, indicating a close race between the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the Christian Democratic Union (CDU).

According to the official results, the SPD secured 25.7% of the second votes, while the CDU garnered 24.1%. This narrow margin suggests that the formation of the next government could be subject to protracted negotiations.

Notably, the SPD gained a significant advantage in the direct constituency votes, winning 121 out of 299 seats in the Bundestag (German parliament). The CDU, on the other hand, secured 98 constituency seats.

The election results have sparked intense speculation about the potential coalitions that could emerge in the Bundestag. Possibilities include a "traffic light" coalition of the SPD, Green Party, and Free Democratic Party (FDP), or a "Jamaica" coalition of the CDU, Green Party, and FDP.

The final composition of the government is expected to be determined in the coming weeks through negotiations between the various political parties.

**Repeat Election in Berlin**

It's important to note that due to irregularities in the counting process, a repeat election will be held in certain districts of Berlin on February 11, 2024. The results of this repeat election may have implications for the overall distribution of seats in the Bundestag.
